what is it like to snorkel at misool?
First of all, let us say that we LOVE snorkelers! Misool is known for its world-class diving, but if you think our private island resort is just for scuba divers, think again.
The pristine state of the sea surrounding our resort island means that the reefs grow right up to the surface of the water, making them perfect for snorkelers. The House Reef will treat snorkelers to frequent sightings of schooling horse-eyed jacks, hunting octopus, and huge schools of bumphead parrotfish. The North Lagoon is a great place to hob-nob with gentle green turtles feeding on seagrass. You’re also likely to run into baby black tip reef sharks in the shallows.
During your stay you can book a snorkeling package to experience guided trips to the local surrounding reefs, which are on offer twice daily. Drift through the spectacularly colorful Gorgonian Passage, hover amongst 6-meter Oceanic Mantas, or venture out after dark to discover the reef’s wild ‘night-life,’ including the newly- discovered ‘walking’ Epaulette Shark. Unguided snorkeling on the House Reef is of course always available.
This short film, created by Alex Lindbloom, gives you a window into the snorkelers' world.
“Our experience snorkeling at Misool Resort in 2020 was easily one of the best of our lives. Misool is notable in that they treat snorkelers with equal respect and service as divers. Truly, this snorkeling heaven should be at the top of any snorkeler’s list and is one of those rare places that we expect will get better with time. How wonderful is that?”